Restriction Feature Added to Instagram | Adana Stage Media

As the internet becomes more and more influential in our lives day by day, various risks have emerged. Cyber ​​bullying is one of these risks. Cyberbullying, which is the use of digital media to harass or threaten, embarrass or target another person, has become one of the biggest problems today. Wanting to prevent this risk, Instagram has developed a new feature that ‘restricts’ bullying users without them noticing.

The feature, which was developed to lead the fight against online bullying on social networks, has been tested since July. The feature called “Restrict”, released last Wednesday, will help combat bullying.

The “Restrict” feature allows you to prevent other users from seeing the comments made by this person on your posts. Restricted users also cannot see whether you are active on Instagram or whether they have read their direct messages. Users can also show the restricted person’s comments to others by approving their comments with the feature.

Professor from Pace University, who conducts studies focused on social media and mobile marketing. Dr. According to Randi Priluck’s research last year; 50 percent of teens in the United States are bullied or harassed online.

Another study by an anti-bullying group reveals a parallel result. According to this research, 42% of cyberbullying victims between the ages of 12-20 are also bullied on Instagram.

According to Instagram, which works against cyberbullying, blocking, unfollowing or reporting a ‘bully’ can result in unpredictable behavior from the bully. With the ‘Restriction’ feature developed in this direction, Instagram users can protect themselves without notifying the bully.

D., co-director of the Cyberbullying Research Center and professor at Florida Atlantic University. Regarding the newly developed feature of Instagram, Sameer Hinduja said, “We need to see to what extent the feature works and whether the critical mass of Instagram users use this feature.” he said.

Instagram had previously developed a new tool with artificial intelligence that evaluates whether a comment is offensive before it is published.

Stage Media

Stage Media

01-01-1970 02:00:00

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